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Videos about "onlayoutkeystroke"

1 videos found.
Keyboard Modifiers & Keys 07/03/2013 - 9:51pm

Because it's so easy to start a database within FileMaker, it's way to easy to gloss over the power features underneath the surface.

I would imagine some developers may never even touch the OnObjectKeystroke and OnLayoutKeystroke events and still make use of a great FileMaker database.

The trick to taking advantage of some of these power features is making them easy to implement.

Who remembers what all the numeric values are for the myriad of Get () functions? You may often have to look things up and this takes time.

On the other hand, having just a few helpful custom functions can make it MUCH more enjoyable to add in new, and useful, features.

This video will help you get started with, or enhance, your use of the above mentioned trigger events.