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Videos about "found sets"

2 videos found.
Server Restored Contexts 02/04/2019 - 7:15pm

Prior to FileMaker 13 we never even had the option of performing scripted tasks where the data actually exists. The processing of a script, client side, always had, and still does, make a full round trip for all kinds of these processing activities. Many times, FileMaker does it's best to optimize whatever is being done, but it's still not as fast as executing certain things directly on the server.

With the addition of Perform Script on Server we gained a REALLY BIG performance boost by being able to perform most any script on the server.

While there are still various limitations, such as the number of simultaneous server side scripts, it's absolutely something that any serious FileMaker developer needs to know how to use.

One of the biggest issues with running server side scripts with Perform Script on Server is the fact that you need to know what's happening when the script is running, how to troubleshoot and most importantly, how to replicate the current user context. That is, the proper layout and the exact same found set to be used for processing the data. This video specifically covers how to restore the user context for processing a found set of data. If you're interested in making this process happen as quickly as possible, then using Perform Script on Server is what you should learn to use.

Using Snapshot Links for Found Sets 09/23/2016 - 12:33am

Developing in FileMaker Pro is rewarding because of the speed with which you can accomplish things. The speed, however, isn’t worth much when you only know one possible way to do things. It’s the master carpenter, who knows all the tools and methods for getting things done, who is the most efficient.

When it comes to replicating a found set within FileMaker, there are many paths to take. Your standard Perform Find script step will simply pull up a found set of records based on predefined or dynamic criteria.

There are, however, many cases where a found set is composed of data which has been filtered. This could be a list view of data where individual records have been omitted or a set of related records derived from a filtered portal.

Regardless of how the found set is derived, if it’s a random set of records which need to be recalled, then saving this found set becomes valuable. It turns out, there’s a method for saving this found set and it’s the most optimized method possible. This is because it’s the same method which FileMaker itself uses.

This video is about recreating a found set and being able to use it in various ways. It could be used for a PSOS (server side) script or simply to provide the user with a feature of being able to save and recall a found set of records at any time. No matter what your needs, knowing how to use this feature is a valuable piece of FileMaker know-how!