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Videos about "calculations"

3 videos found.
Hide Object When Calculations 10/06/2021 - 4:13pm

Sometimes it's nice to revisit the basics and make sure you've covered all your bases when it comes to what you can do with certain features.

In this video, I take a good look at using the Hide Object When calculation and cover the various options I'm familiar with. This includes uses for the most basic True/False to an increasingly complex calculation which starts adding more and more operators. I also go over the use of containment objects and how they can simplify the use of the Hide Object When calculation.

Have you mastered the use of the Hide Object When calc? Are you integrating uses which account for the user's environment? If not, then give yourself a few minutes and brush up on using this powerful feature of FileMaker development.

Assessing Performance 08/10/2020 - 8:19pm

Who doesn't want their software to perform as efficiently and as quickly as possible. Don't we always want things to go faster and work better?

Of course we do. The problem is, we don't always take the time to fully think out what is happening when we solve a problem. Sometimes, we just robot our way through the code we are creating because it's how we've always done it - and it's easy or faster.

Being an "efficiency nut", when it comes to code, is something I really enjoy. It represents the fact that you have a reduced amount of code to accomplish the same thing that previously had more. Less code means less to maintain. Less code can also mean more performant.

In this video, I walk through a recent example of showing how a particular solution could be simplified. It's an example that plays out in the software world many times over. Most importantly, it represents what is the compounding effects of not taking the time to think out the most efficient solution. If and easiest to maintain, fastest performing solution is what you're after, then you may find a tip or two within this video about Assessing Performance.

Writing Complex FileMaker Calculations 08/16/2016 - 1:36pm

When you’re faced with creating a complex piece of FileMaker code, you often break the larger problem into smaller parts. It’s always easier to tackle smaller portions of a larger problem. Even when it doesn’t seem like the problem should be that big.

In this video, you’ll discover a lot of good information about how to break a larger problem down into its smaller parts. The problem being solved is extracting all the individual pieces of a US mailing address. There are so many various methods of composing a US address. So, writing a parser in FileMaker specific calculation code can be an interesting challenge.

The video focuses on finding resources and code you can leverage and then integrating that existing code into your own FileMaker code. If you find that learning how to write better FileMaker calculations is something you’ve always been after then this video will have what you need - and more! It’s even got information about testing your FileMaker code to ensure it’s validated and comprehensive.