
Global Utility Fields

Global fields in FileMaker Pro are a staple of how you define what your user interface can do. Without global fields, your ability to present variable scenarios of data is almost impossible - or - at least, unrealistic. You would be limited to using calculated fields and/or extra data fields, and this can make things really slow, REALLY quick.

Global fields are the linchpin to makings things work well, as desired and efficiently within your FileMaker UI. Without knowing how to take advantage of global fields, your UI/UX abilities suffer.

In this video, we take a look at some of the most critical uses for global fields for common core functionality. From creating related records, to showing whatever data you need to present, it's critical you take advantage of global fields. There are also situations where your current data model simply won't allow you to present the data you want to show. However, using global fields you can create "temporary" relationships to the data you need to present to the user. This video and technique file will deliver some of the critical know-how.

GlobalUtilityFields.zip1.73 MB

Global based portals

One of your most powerful methods of showing data, within a fully controlled manner, is using the combination of global fields and portals.

The portal object isn't simply for showing the related data as it belongs to one single record. A portal is a display tool useful for presenting whatever data you want and, however you want.

In this video, I use the example of showing multiple events based on the selection of multiple locations. Whether you need to provide a simple multi-selection option in your UI, or your filtering needs extend to multiple field values, the use of a global field, in conjunction with a portal object, is how you can achieve a lot of your display objectives.

GlobalBasedPortals.zip1.65 MB