Reusable Dialogs

Card windows will continue to impact our FileMaker solutions for years to come. Released in FileMaker 16, who would have thought that simply creating a new way to draw windows would be so empowering. We've long been able to create modal windows which force user interaction - but taking off the title bar and dimming the background window was all it took to make things much more powerful.

So, what is the most common thing you can do with a card window? Well, create a reusable dialog box of course. In previous videos I've covered card windows for progress bars, menu navigation systems and ultimate card window positioning. In this video, I show you how to take advantage of the new FileMaker 17 feature of being able to target a script based on the name of the script. By doing this, we can create a reusable dialog box system which provides us with full visual control and styling of the content.

If you're interested in taking full advantage of the latest features and you'd like to standardize your own custom dialog boxes then this video will have the information you need.

ReusableDialogs.zip1.62 MB


that's a really efficient use of a single layout Matt..
some really nice things in there, I love that the $$VAR elements fully resolve before the card is opened so no need to refresh the layout,

many thanks for the reference too....
john r

Thanks Matt. As most of your videos this one gives new ideas. I am re-writing my own 15 year old EMR solution for FM17A. This will definitely be implemented.


MedPro ehf

I really like how Finger-friendly this is.

Also. Over the last 20+ years, I've benefited so much from your expertise and delivery style. You always seem to have a technique that resolves an issue right when I need it the most.

Thank you!