Relationship Based Data Filtering

For some developers who are new to FileMaker, they may not come from a background of having worked with SQL or some other query language. Creating joins on the fly, as data is needed, is a foreign concept. Yet, when you create a relationship within the Relationship Graph, you’re creating a join which will be permanent for the life of the file or until deleted. This isn’t the case with SQL based solutions.

With FileMaker, the notion of joins comes in the form of persistent relationships within the Relationship Graph. These persistent joins add to the complexity of your solution but stand at the ready to return whatever data you wish to present.

In this video, I walk through the process of breaking down how to extract specific data via relationships. It’s the dark arts of showing exactly what you want to show on screen or being able to isolate that data using a Go To Related records script step.

Whatever your needs are, knowing how to filter out your desired data is a key skill to have when working with FileMaker Pro.

RelationshipBasedFiltering.zip368.23 KB


hello Matt,
no more download link for the video or did you forget?
I usually view when off line & travelling, so the download is always a welcome feature.

Keep up the good work!

Peter Sijmons

Hi. As a subcriber I can download easily the videos, that are presented in varios sizes.
I also agree that having the date of the videos in a visibel part would be helpful.

Candido Tomás

Hi Matt

Could you add the date you post your videos?

Perhaps as part of your "Our Recent Videos" index.

Thank you

Daniel M

Hi Matt,

Thank you for the video.

About the calculation with an unstored result of "1" for filtering active, ¿is there any difference between having that calculation stored or unstored? Unstored calculations usually have a performance penalty, but in this case I guess it's not affecting. But I wonder, would there be any difference if the constant 1 was stored? thanks!