Filtered Portal Record Counts

In FileMaker, some features seem like they should be an easy solve. Yet, the dynamic nature of creating something in FileMaker means its development simply can't account for all the possible things a developer might want to do.

When it comes to showing the actual count of records being shown within a filtered portal one might think the solution would already be there. However, it's not.

You have to apply some creating thinking along with a bit of inside know-how in order to correctly show the total number of records being shown within a filtered portal.

In this video, I go through the meanings of "double filtered" and how to go about showing the correct information within your user interface when you choose to use the Filter option found within the Portal setup dialog box.

FilteredPortalRecordCounts.zip1.6 MB


You can place the regular "Child::FOUNDCOUNT" merge field in the 1 row portal and it will correctly show the filtered child record count. If you only have the relationship filtered (no portal filtering), then you don't need the 1 row portal. The Child::FOUNDCOUNT merge field will show the filtered count.

Get the number of related portal records by creating a "count of…" summary field, place it as a related field in the first portal row and give it a layout object name. Use the getlayoutobjectattribute ( "your_named_object" ; "content" ). Each instance of the field in every related row returns the same total related record count, not the number of each record row, so grabbing its content works like a charm.
