FileMaker Overview: Logical Functions

For some of us, one of the most enjoyable aspects of programming is the fact that we get to feel so "in control" over every single aspect of how something works. You are the God of your own universe and it's either as bad or as good as you make it.

Our human shortcoming, however, is that fact that we don't just know it all - we have to learn the various ways of doing things. Knowing how to use FileMaker's functions, and when they are useful, is a key aspect to creating well functioning software.

This video is a walk through of the ever critical logical functions. Without them, none of us would be making any software. So, sit back and relax for the well covered topic of FileMaker's Logical Functions.



At 7:30, why did you favor destroying a global variable with the fallback of an If/Case statement over setting the global variable to ""? (By contrast, you destroyed it with "" at 34:40.) I'm not aware of the calculation engine ever employing a distinction between empty string and null (if anything, empty strings may end up translating to nulls internally?).