Fast Filtering Portals

When you first develop your FileMaker solution you're typically dealing with sample and/or test data. Everything works great. It's fast and efficient and you're guessing users will just love using it. Until you hear feedback like "It takes forever to simply see a list of people to pick from."

As you scratch your head wondering why things got slow, it's likely because you didn't think about what's happening on every record of that simple little portal. Your once wonderful complex filter, which was working just fine on the 1,000 records, now chokes to death on the 10,000 records in the real world.

You ask yourself "Is there something I can do to make this faster?" and you find this video about Fast Filtering Portals. Yes, is the answer. You can optimize that portal filter such that the fewest number of CPU cycles are required in order to show a user's desired results. The trick is knowing how to make it happen with the tools we have available within FileMaker. Need to make your portal filters faster? This video will likely have the answer.

FastFilteringPortals.zip1.87 MB


Matt, great video on filtering! Ive certainly got some cleaning up to do after this one! However, one question that came to mind is why not ditch the Portal Filter calculation all together and instead adjust the portal relationship to use a global field that is set with the collection of recIDs, and related to the recID field. (Eg GLOBALRECIDS = recId )?

Further I have heard that ExecuteSQL really struggles on tables that have open records in them. Have you seen results of this technique if the portal you are filtering has multiple open records from various users?

Great technique that I will certainly put into my toolbox. Thanks for the video!

Is there anything to say against a scripted search triggered from the filter field and displaying the records in a portal based on the current table occurence?

I think in certain cases it doesn't work properly. See the attached image.

In my solution I have recIDs that are one digit. When I search for 7017 (the $$FILTER is showing one number) it displays the records with recID 7, 17, 70, 701, 7017.
It doesn't show up in your file, because it starts from 143. But if you just modify the filter to 1461572, it will show 146, 157, 461, 572, 615.

Thanks for the find. The issue is the isolation of the values. When using the Position function alone it will find just that sequence of characters. You simply need to adjust the filter by adding in the carriage returns as value delimiters.

The filter will become this.

If ( IsEmpty ( $$FILTER ) ; True ; Position ( ¶ & $$FILTER & ¶ ; ¶ & All People::recID & ¶ ; 1 ; 1 ) )

The technique file attached was updated.

-- Matt Petrowsky - ISO FileMaker Magazine Editor

I was having this exact problem. Thank you for this fix!!

Thanks for providing this. Definitely looking to expand on this to be more scalable across different tables.

One thing I wanted was to have the ability to provide multiple search terms in the one box and have it match each term across all the fields. For example if my full name in the Contact table was "Benjamin Reimers" but somebody searching for me only remembed me as "Ben" and that my name ended in "mers" they could type "Ben mers" and I'd show up.

This required dynamically creating the SQL condition clause, so I wrote a custom function to do that:

First I needed a function to create a list of terms from the search string: ListFromString ( value ):
~value = value;
~valueList = RemoveExtraReturns ( Substitute ( Trim( ~value ) ; " " ; "¶" ) )

And a function to remove any empy list items: RemoveExtraReturns ( text )
Case (
PatternCount (text ; "¶¶" ) > 0; RemoveExtraReturns ( Substitute ( Text ; "¶¶" ; "¶" ) ) ;
Case (
Left ( text ; 1 ) = "¶" ; Replace (
Case ( Right ( Text ; 1 ) = "¶" ; Left (Text ; Length ( Text ) - 1 ) ; Text ) ; 1 ; 1 ; "" ) ;
Case ( Right ( Text ; 1) = "¶" ; Left (Text ; Length ( Text ) - 1 ) ; Text

And finally a function to build the condition given the search string and a List of fields in the "~field" format: SQLConditionForSearch ( searchString ; fieldList )
While ([
~searchString = searchString;
~fieldList = fieldList;
~searchList = ListFromString ( ~searchString );
~listLength = ValueCount ( ~searchList );
~condition = "";
~i = 1
~i ≤ ~listLength ;
~condition = ~condition & If ( ~i = 1 ; "" ; "¶AND " );
~condition = ~condition & "(" & While (
~inner = "";
~j = 1
~j ≤ ValueCount ( ~fieldList );
~inner = ~inner & If ( ~j = 1 ; "" ; " OR " );
~inner = ~inner & "LOWER(" & GetValue ( ~fieldList; ~j ) & ") LIKE '%"& GetValue ( ~searchList; ~i ) & "%'";
~j = ~j + 1
) & ")";
~i = ~i + 1

This builds the WHERE clause such that each term is required but across any of the fields.

Hopefully some others find this as useful as I did.

you have to change the Replace With string with: "*" & People::FILTER & "*"
otherwise it search just the words that begin with the search string