
Database Notifications

Bad joke: How do you know when your database has a problem?

Answer: Simple, you make a query about it - and have it notify you.

Ok, all jokes aside, you're taking the time to create a wonderful work of technological art by creating a database which will solve all kinds of real world problems.

The problem, however, is you may not know when things go right, or wrong, within your database. Probably, because you haven't taken the time to code in some type of notification system. Fortunately, this is quite easy.

There are all kinds of possible notifications you can use, starting with your most common, which is email. However, email isn't always the most immediate or effective. What about SMS? Or, how about a native (and immediate) smartphone notification system?

Using notifications, you can not only enhance the usefulness of administrative communications for your database, but use the same features for your users as well.

This video and sample file will provide you with the steps and knowledge necessary to make an effective database notification system. If you've never integrated your database with a third party system, and using some of FileMaker 13's new features is on your bucket list, then make sure and give this video a quick review!

DatabaseNotifications.zip149.8 KB