A Simple Portal Tree

One of the common interface controls in interface design is known as a Tree View. Unfortunately, FileMaker doesn't offer this control, as there's a lot to deal with when you're talking about hierarchy. However, you can accomplish the basic principle with a Simple Portal Tree.

This technique will allow a user to select a portal row, and have associated sub items connected to that row reveal themselves. This is useful for hiding and showing information within a dynamically updating portal.

Portal_Tree.zip260.38 KB


Was disappointed to find this won't open with Filemaker 17. I'm trying to learn how to make a project app with infinite nested tasks. So, a project task can have children. Those tasks can have children, and so on. And display that in a treeview similar to this. I know that is more complicated but was hoping to learn this as a starting point.

Update: Found this one by searching Google. https://www.filemakermagazine.com/videos/unlimited-infinite-hierarchies