Interdependent Value Lists

Back in October of 2012, I provided a video titled User-based Value Lists. Earlier in May of that same year, I presented Cascading Value Lists, which uses the new ExecuteSQL to generate the value list options. This video provides yet more information and another way of providing the same feature - plus many great tips along the way.

The method presented within this video does not use ExecuteSQL and may be easier to implement and manage if you're not quite ready for SQL.

As with most any software project, the goal is to provide the most power with the least amount of stuff (code) to manage. Any FileMaker solution can easily grow beyond it's maintainer's ability to understand every aspect of what they did before. If you consider a single master value list and one single script a powerful way of managing all value lists within the whole solution then you're in for a treat!

InterdependentValueLists.zip68.12 KB


Hi Matt,
whenever I ask myself why I still have the ISO subscription running, videos like this tell me why.
Great brainfood. Very comprehensively explained.

I really liked the formatting trick with inbetween < > and the $$list prompt.

Great. Thanks.

ok. in developing my solution i have only about 15 Valuelists right now. Most of them get their values form 2 fields. The Id and the human readable value. When i create a new record the Valuelist updates automaticly and that is what is should do.

So if i only have one Value Table i first have to migrate may value lists to it and then find a convenient way to update that Table.