FileMaker Fundamentals: DRY Coding

Before you ever write a single line of code, within FileMaker or anything else, your primary goal should be maintenance and clarity. If you can't understand your own code later, then no one else will either. If your code is a pile of spaghetti, it will be extremely hard to maintain - and - just not that fun.

The principle of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) coding is such that, you can make sweeping changes in singular locations. This makes your code more maintainable and actually more fun to work with. It also becomes more "portable" in that you can more easily copy and paste it into other solutions.

This video presents the concept of DRY coding as it relates to FileMaker development and how to approach your logic and design before you simply head on off to the next big script or feature.

FieldTypes.zip68.66 KB


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(does not work)