Drag & Drop Portal Images

It's those seemingly simple little techniques which seem like they should "just be in there". Something as simple as dragging and dropping an image to make FileMaker do things is what I'm talking about.

Actually, there are so many moving parts to make this happen, that you wouldn't want FileMaker to do it for you. You really do want the control. You just need to know how to make it happen.

While some may wish to drag into a dropwell, some may wish to drag into the last portal row which FileMaker provides. Regardless of how you wish to implement, it's the fundamentals you need to know.

That's what this video is all about. How to work with images when using them for UI manipulation. How to create related records in a way that makes things easy. How to optimize for network performance. How to easily remove records from the join table.

Wait a minute! That sounds like a whole slew of different techniques. Turns out, you get them all within this one video - plus the drag and drop. Enjoy!

DragDropPortalImages.zip179.21 KB