Data Based Field Labels

Field labels are the quintessential indicator of where data should be input. Without the good 'ole field lable users are entering data blind. A great goal to shoot for with field labels is something consistent, a bit understated, something that doesn't get in the way yet informs the data entry person about what to enter.

The problem with labels on a layout is they take up space. Often times, a lot of space. They can also detract from the presentation of the data itself.

In recent years, a popular trend has been showing field labels within the field itself. For example, on iOS, this is often a chosen default method.

When it comes to FileMaker, you'll find a variety of opinions and approaches regarding labels. This video presents a solution which uses the data within fields as the labels for what should be entered.

The benefit to this method is the user knows what goes where and it also serves the purpose of acting as a data entry validator. This is a big benefit to the database where data should be consistent and clean. If you're looking for a clean, compact way of providing field labels then I can't think of a more sublime way.

DataFieldLabels.zip47.08 KB


Problem starts if you go in Find mode.